Tuesday, April 30, 2019


What is the most common reason for marriage problems?
That’s a question that we often get. The answer is easy – selfishness. And it’s not just a marriage problem, it is a problem in any relationship.

Selfishness rears its head in the way we spend our money, our time, and even in our relationship to God. Basically, selfishness says,“My focus is on satisfying me.” I may not say that out loud or even put it into those words in my head but that is the summation of what I am thinking or saying. See this blog where we delve further into the topic – what does it mean in relationships, what are the red flags, how do I overcome it?

The Zambia mission team has met three times already to prepare for ministering at WISDOM Christian School. We will have one more meeting before leaving on May 29. Every year, we have new people on our team. One consistent remark is how well we plan and train our teams. We share that, not to bring attention to us, but to let you, our supporters, know that your investment in LIVING WELL has prepared many for the mission field.

We prepare our team for the culture and how the differences impact what we do on the mission. We train them on the Bible lessons, the music, the games, and the crafts. We believe that it should be a time of spiritual growth for each of us – not only for the Zambian children.

We emphasize working together as the body of Christ in many aspects. We have developed the whole CAMP WISDOM (VBS) through the collaboration of many team members as they contribute ideas to make each mission successful. Each member of the team is to follow the Lord and the leadership of where they are working on the mission. We stress the importance of being willing to adjust to the situations as they present themselves, doing whatever needs to be done to accomplish the mission that the Lord has set before us. We pray for each other and together.

We educate them on the logistics of traveling so far and to a third world country – taking care of themselves physically and emotionally. And most of all we let them know that there are some things for which we cannot prepare them. We do want the team to trust God on the mission but to be equipped for doing our very best to honor the Lord in all that we do!

THANK YOU again for your continued prayers, support, and encouragement. We could not do what we do without YOU!

Donna and Ed Edwards

P.S. Please pray for our Mission Zambia 2019 team and for the remaining $1,900 (out of $14,000) that we need to complete the mission.

The water that I will give him will
become in him a well of water springing up to eternal life. 
John 4:14b 
LIVING WELL is a life source, not a life style.