I guess it was somewhere in my first year. I knew that I didn't really know any couples whose marriages I wanted to emulate. I knew that I didn't have any specific training on marriage; I had not even read a book. I knew that the person to whom I had committed the rest of my life could hurt me more than anyone, without even trying. And I didn't know anyone to seek for advice or anywhere to go. I thought I was smart enough to figure it out .... wrong!!!!
Finally, the Lord did a great work in my heart and I started looking towards Him for answers. Then I discovered Dr. Dobson. His radio program along with many books, friends, mentors, seminars, and classes began to show me His way. It worked ... still together after 36 years!
But those agonizing first years of marriage showed me how hard it is for a good marriage to just happen! Great marriages, yes, even good marriages take outside help! God drew my heart and Ed's heart to be catalysts in other couples' lives to strengthen their marriages.
We are more committed to strengthen marriages in 2010 than ever before. We will be teaching a retreat January 22-23 in Chickasha, a men's breakfast in south Oklahoma City on February 13, an 8-week class at a church in Oklahoma City starting February 14, and another seminar in Ponca City February 20-21. That is just the next two months!
And every week, we minister to couples in our office, giving them guidance to heal and strengthen their marriages.
We see God work in a way that we have not seen in any other area of ministry. I have done women's ministry, written Bible study literature for adults and kids, trained teachers and lay counselors. Ed has led men's ministry, developed a benevolence ministry, and been a deacon and church staff member. However, we both agree, marriage ministry is God's call on our life as a couple.