Wednesday, February 05, 2014

LIVING WELL teaches pastor couples in Kitwe, Zambia

What an enthusiastic group of pastors and spouses we had in Kitwe, Zambia!

After three days of teaching on marriage, worship and eating together, we had a time of renewing their vows, topped with feeding each other wedding cake!

Ed and Donna, along with team members, Darla and John Holinsworth, saw marriages healed and strengthened.

We have been teaching pastor couples in Africa for 12 years. We seen changes in the way people dress (more Western) and their habits (men sit with their wives without being prompted). We see them trying to filter through some of their traditions versus what God's Word says.

Through all the years, however, some things never change. People are the same everywhere. Their daily life looks a lot different from ours, but they struggle with the same issues in marriage. We are continually encouraged though to see the way God's Word applies to all people of every tradition, race, and time period.

We have many pictures and experiences to post. Stay tuned!